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Paula Taylor

How Important Are Open Homes?

This is a question that we get asked a lot. How important is it to conduct open homes? Will buyers come or will it just be tyre kickers & neighbours coming for a sticky beak?

There are a number of factors to consider:

  1. Some buyers do not wish to engage with a real estate agent on the phone to schedule a private appointment, therefore would be more comfortable attending an open home.

  2. Saturdays are generally the day that buyers are out and about, therefore they will already be in the area. If your home isn't on their original list, they may want to pop in unplanned and have a look.

  3. If getting your home ready for inspections is time consuming then why not have as many buyers as possible see your home at the same time.

How long should open homes be scheduled for?

"Minimum of 30mins - any less and you could be losing your best buyer."

The time that you have scheduled for your open home is crucial. If your open home is too short your buyers will not have the time to take in everything your property has to offer. Also your agent will need time to engage with buyers and answer any important questions they may have. This gives your agent the golden opportunity to determine which buyers are interested in your home and which ones are not.

Should you have open homes when the weather isn't great.

YES - Buyers love viewing homes in wet weather. It proves that as owners you have nothing to hide. It gives the buyers the chance to check out the gutters and drainage to give them peace of mind that it is all in working order.

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